Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Post 13: Oh, the Clintons

So, while I know I really should be devoting my attentions to the developing Supreme Court nomination story, I couldn't help but laugh at this one.

President Clinton is now being so gracious as to offer time with himself to anyone willing to pitch in to cover the costs of his wife's presidential campaign.

"Hillary’s campaign still has a few vestiges of debt that I know she would like to see paid in full. Will you reach out today to help Hilary this one last time?” he wrote to past supporters.

Hillary Clinton, according to the Federal Election Commission, still had $771,000 in outstanding debt as of April 1. 

My reactions to this story were pretty immediate. First of all, it's just kind of funny. But second of all, it's really embarrassing for the Clintons.

I would like to know whose idea it was for this "day with the former president" was.

And apparently, this isn't the only time Clinton has done this for his wife.

As secretary of state, Mrs. Clinton isn't allowed to fundraise. But that doesn't bar her equally famous husband to do so.

It's been intriguing for me to watch Mr. Clinton assume a more behind-the-scenes role in the past few years as his wife has taken center stage.

I wonder how much he feels overshadowed by his wife -- how much he feels the need to draw attention back to himself.

There are probably few couples in American history -- certainly American politics -- with as much individual fame as Mr. and Mrs. Clinton have.

It's understandable that Mr. Clinton would want a bit of the limelight back.

Just a few thoughts.

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