Friday, April 30, 2010

Post 6: Here comes Hawaii



In yet another unfortunate chapter in the story of homosexual legislation, Hawaii’s governor has the chance of signing into law a bill that would permit same-sex unions in the state.

Republican Gov. Linda Lingle (Yes, that name is for real), hasn’t said whether she will sign the bill or not yet, according to the Associated Press. The legislation glided through the house with a vote of 31-20. If the bill passes, gays and lesbians will receive the same privileges as married couples, without the actual title.

If this legislation passes, Hawaii will become the sixth state, next to California, Nevada, New Jersey, Washington and Oregon, to permit civil unions.

In some states, gay marriages, full name and all, are legal, specifically in Iowa, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut and Massachusetts.

Hawaii actually almost legalized same-sex marriage in 1993 in a Supreme Court ruling, which would have made the state the first to do so. But back then, the populous was wildly against the idea.

It’s kind of frightening to think how rapidly not just our government, but our people, have warmed to the idea of homosexuality. And the up-and-coming generations are more for it than any before them.

A study released in March by the Higher Education Research Institute at the University of California at Los Angeles found that 24 percent of college freshmen who align themselves with the “far right” approve of same-sex marriages. That’s 10 percent more than older generations who align themselves with the far right.

Overall, 65 percent of college freshmen approve of gay marriage, the study determined.

I would expect Liberals to warm to the idea, really. It’s the whole tolerance push in the Western world. I can see why it makes sense to them. But it’s horrible to think that conservatives are hopping on the bandwagon, too.

Even worse, Christians are warming to the idea of gay marriage.

It’s frustrating to see the basic principles of our Christian roots crumbling under our very feet. This nation, under God’s authority, no longer recognizes it. The Lord knew what he was doing when he established this world, and messing with that structure cannot help but have consequences.

As to Hawaii, we’ll have to see what happens. Unfortunately, I think it’s just one more step toward same-sex marriages becoming recognized nationwide.



Associated Press article:








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